• Get in touch

    At Univar Solutions we are always happy to help you. Please get in touch if you have any questions to our products or services or if you need any other kind of support from us.

Univar Solutions Denmark

Univar Solutions Denmark A/S
Islands Brygge 43
DK-2300 København S

Customer service Denmark
Phone: +45 35 37 12 44
Opening hours: 8-16 on working days

E-mail: Univar.dk@univarsolutions.com

Kim Graversen

Key Account Manager+45 31 33 23 82Send mail

Marcus Lindgreen

Account Manager+45 31 19 21 80Send mail

Thomas Lausen

Sales Manager B2C+45 2331 3408Send mail

Thomas Kristensen

Nordic Account Manager Aviation Lubricants+45 2220 5184Send mail

Christoffer Hansen

Front Line Technical Support+45 2220 5145Send mail

Kim Larsen

Account Manager – B2C Øst+45 2220 5257Send mail

Kenth Pedersen

Key Account Manager Transport+45 2220 5123Send mail

Univar Solutions Sweden

Univar Solutions AB
Kungsgatan 6
Box 4072
SE-21149 Malmö

Customer service Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 40 35 28 01
Opening hours: 8-16 on working days
E-mail: Order.se@univarsolutions.com

Anton Gahnsby

Key Account Manager Industry Lubricants+46 73-262 13 13Send mail

Herman Tunstig

Business Development Manager+46 (0) 721-641391Send mail

John Sandholm

Nordic Key Account Manager+46 (0) 721 641 393Send mail

Markus Sonesson

Account Manager+46 (0)70 723 62 46Send mail

Matz Rylander

Key Account Manager+46 722 866 038Send mail

Morgan Fernestam

Key Account Manager+46 70-286 59 53Send mail

Peter Danielsson

Account Manager+46 070-3092054Send mail

Pontus Gustafsson

Area Sales Manager+46 709 577 310Send mail

Kenneth Christoffersen

Sales Manager+46 76-855 56 14Send mail

Tom Christensen

KAM Industry+46 70-568 17 23Send mail

Tomas Hammarberg

Front Line Technical Support+46 70-874 86 89Send mail

Univar Solutions Norway

Univar Solutions AS
Rosenholmveien 25
NO-1414 Trollåsen

Customer service Norway
Phone: +47 22 88 16 00
Opening hours: 8-16 on working days
E-mail: Ordre.no@univarsolutions.com

Geir Hauen

Key Account Manager+47 975 783 38Send mail

Thomas Bjerknes

Account Manager+47 918 622 09Send mail

Lisbeth Haugan

Key Account Manager+47 92417671Send mail

Geir Eikemo

Sales Manager+47 92446239Send mail

Rune Wike

Key Account Manager+47 91335943Send mail

Hans Kristian Sæta

Key Account Manager+47 91335916Send mail

Børge Skagen

Key Account Manager Marine+47 90514946Send mail

Kaare JO Nilsen

Key Account Manager Industry/Marine+47 90784042Send mail

Univar Solutions Finland

Univar Solutions OY
Äyritie 12 B
FI-01510 Vantaa

Customer service Finland
Phone: +358 (0)9 350 8650
Opening hours: 8-16 on working days
E-mail: Order.fi@univarsolutions.com

Ida Lehtovaara

Account Manager B2C+358 40 085 058Send mail

Mikko Korhonen

Sales Manager+358 40 539 5138Send mail

Päivi Kimpimäki

Suurteollisuus+358 40 125 7915Send mail

Sami Aalto

Autokorjaamot, Etelä- ja Itä- Suomi+358 40 552 2366Send mail

Simo Pasonen

Jälleenmyyjät – Länsi- Suomi+358 40 552 2006Send mail

Valtteri Valkonen

Key Account Manager+358 40 552 2702Send mail

Stefan Brandt

Business Development Manager+358 40 552 4888Send mail

Sami Tiihonen

Jälleenmyyjät+358 40 486 6065Send mail

Mika Kukkonen

Raskas kalusto, Teollisuus – Etelä- ja Itä Suomi+358 400 902 854Send mail

Tarmo Nampajärvi

Tekninen tuki+358 40 766 8811Send mail